Materials from

Hook: Tiemco Dry Fly Hook
Down eye, 1x fine, wide gap, forged, bronze. Sizes 8-28 in quantities of 25.

Thread: Uni 6/0 200 yards
Our most popular all around thread for those looking for a versatile tying thread for larger trout, salmon/steelhead flies and light saltwater or simply for the person looking for a bit more strength.

Body/Shell Back: 2mm Black Foam
A must have for tying gurglers, poppers, golden stones, and various other terrestrials.

Under Body: Peacock Herl
1/8 Oz pack of strung herl. Comes in natural and other dyed colors to add life to your flies. Peacock herl is a must have on every tiers bench.

Hackle: Black Dry Fly
These necks are a tremendous value in genetic dry fly hackle. Great hackle for the best price.