Materials from

Hook: Tiemco 100
Down eye, 1x fine, wide gap, forged, bronze. Quantity of 25

Thread: Uni 8/0 200 yards
Our most popular all around thread for trout flies, salmon & steelhead flies, etc.

Tail: Microfibetts
These super thin synthetic fibers feature a tapered tip for tying a natural looking insect feelers and tails. Can be used for thorax patterns as well as nymph legs.

Body: Hareline Super Fine
The finest synthetic dubbing available. Great for small to medium sized nymphs and dries.

Wing: Hi-Vis (Para Post Material)
An all-purpose antron fiber. Great for posts on dry flies and many other uses.

Hackle: Whiting Dry Fly Hackle – Bronze Grade
Bronze grade provides the best value for your fly tying dollar. These are perfect for tiers who tie large quantities of flies. Similar quality to Silver Grade but has less feathers.